As we move closer and closer to the new normal, or business as not so usual, Standley Systems remains committed to providing our employees a safe environment while delivering generous service and relevant solutions.
In phase 3 of the governor’s plan to reopen the state and businesses safely, Standley Systems commits to the following guidelines.
Implementation of Health & Hygiene Ambassadors at all Standley Systems locations. These crucial, appointed team members will maintain:
Parts & Supplies — We maintain close contact with manufacturers to monitor any potential availability issues and have ordered a surplus of parts and supplies to help stem any unforeseen issues that may arise.
Machine Delivery & Installation — All Standley team members are committed to frequent hand washing, no handshakes, and careful cleaning of all machines and company vehicles.
Remote Service Calls — All Standley service technicians are constantly monitoring calls for any issue that may be resolved by phone or email.
On-Site Service Calls — Standley service technicians make multiple calls each day and are required to observe client policies or special requests specific to their environment. They are committed to frequent hand washing, no handshakes, and careful cleaning of all machines and company vehicles.
For your convenience there are multiple ways to reach us:
All Standley Systems personnel know to stay mindful of their surroundings, report any potential health threats, and do everything possible to help our clients through this challenging time.
We look forward to navigating the “new normal” with you and pray that you continue to stay safe and be well.