How do you rank your own risk management? It can be a difficult thing to do, especially when your company, your workflows, and your employees are always in motion. Luckily, there are a few easy questions to ask yourself that will help identify whether your risk management needs a little help.
Getting Serious About Security
Risk management can never be underestimated within your company. It’s the one thing that helps you strike a balance between safety and efficiency–but the good news is that it’s easier to achieve this balance than you might have thought. All you have to do is take a moment to reflect on your business and ask yourself these questions that will help you assess information security, current weaknesses, and more.
Do employees leave documents on the printer tray?
This can be a pretty big security threat–and if the answer is yes, then you need to start managing this particular risk right away. You don’t want that data walking away in the wrong hands!
Is confidential information really confidential?
Sometimes, employees will accidentally access information that they weren’t supposed to see. Confidentiality issues can be disastrous, so if you don’t have the proper security measures in place, it’s time to update your risk management processes.
Does information stay at the office?
It’s great if employees are so dedicated that they want to take work home so they can finish up, but the truth is that this is another risk management problem. If data doesn’t stay secure at the office, you can’t control where it goes and who sees it.
Are employees using the right websites?
Certain file-sharing websites are completely public, which makes them a risk to your security–and the truth is that some of your employees might be taking this risk every day. Just make sure that everyone’s on the same page when it comes to risk management processes!
So, how did you rate your risk management? If you found something concerning, contact us today for all the latest tips and tricks on office security.