February 17, 2023 is Random Acts of Kindness Day and Team Standley had fun taking part. Random Acts of Kindness is a day to encourage and celebrate random acts of kindness. It encourages people to pay it forward and just be kind.
Wouldn't it be great if kindness was the norm? That's the type of world Team Standley wants, but it requires some intentional actions. So to be more intentional and celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day, each team member was given cash to pay it forward however they saw fit. Some people paid it forward individually while others pooled their money between teams to make a greater impact.
Our team got creative and some of the random acts included:
- Pooling money for servers' tips
- Blessing teachers with supplies
- Pooling money to pay past due cafeteria balances at local schools
- Breakfast for Public Works teams
- Breakfast local Police and 911 Dispatch teams
- Monetary donations to moms in need
- Monetary donations to local schools
- Donation for free haircuts for veterans
- Purchased a cap and gown for a local high school senior in need
- Animal shelter donations
- Scholarship for Emmaus Walk
- Paid for a stranger's gas
- Donations to help the homeless
- Purchased a bike for a man who didn't have any form of transportation
- Blessing local little league coaches
- Paid for the drive thru line at fast food chains
- Pulled money to donate to The Market
- Two youth camp scholarships
- Donation to City Center
- Donated cab ride to a family in need