Standley Systems understands for many of today’s law firms printing continues to be an unnecessary cost center. Firms that are billing and tracking all of their document creation expenses are saving valuable time and recapturing thousands of dollars per month in print costs.
Print Audit 6 will automate every step of your document chargeback process. Print Audit allows a firm to track and assign a client or matter number to every document created and produced. With a client or matter number assigned to each document, billing processes are made simple and effortless. Print Audit’s recovery module tracks and bills an account in four simple steps. First, the print job is initiated to any printer. Once the job is initiated, the Print Audit popup is displayed. After the popup displays, the transaction is recorded in the database. Once the transaction has been recorded in the database, the invoice is generated and/or the account is debited. Print Audit provides more than simply tracking.
Print Audit includes modules such as analysis and rules-based printing. With the analysis module, Print Audit records the who, what, when and where of each print job. Analysis allows the administrator to see who is printing, when they are printing and what type of document is being printed, giving an organization or firm print visibility. The analysis module provides reporting on printer inventory, device volumes, budgets, cost baselines and printing workflow issues on the network. The analysis will even identify print inefficiencies and bottlenecks. Visibility is a crucial piece in managing internal and external print costs. Rules-based printing is another avenue in managing costs associated with document creation.
The ultimate goal of rules-based printing is to modify user behavior, while achieving maximum efficiency. Some common printing rules are job size limits, green initiatives and security rules. With up to 88 million rule combinations, rules-based printing can be customized to fit your specific environment, while securing your information and optimizing your print efficiency and costs.
Print Audit will simplify and automate your chargeback process with simple installation. Print Audit is the easiest and most accurate print management solution that integrates with all popular legal accounting systems, including PCLaw, ESILAW, Timeslips, Juris and TABS III. With a silent installation, Print Audit can be added in a matter of minutes to a few or thousands of workstations, while tracking printing behind the scenes. This solution even includes unlimited technical support.
Allow Print Audit 6 to turn your print cost center into a revenue center. To find out more about recapturing monthly print costs by accurately charging your clients for printing-related expenses, contact us.