
We cover workplace risk management services, managed IT services for efficiency, cyber security, document management, office equipment and more.

Standley Systems Gives Back

The 2015 Holiday Hay Bale Display in Chickasha

As temperatures drop and the first flakes of snow...

Product Spotlight: Square 9 Softworks

At Standley Systems, our top priority is improving your daily business operations. We continually...

Why Buy Used printers or Like-New Printers

There’s no denying printing can be costly. The expense of the machine, toner, maintenance and other...

Product Spotlight: Savin 3406WD Printer

Sometimes, standard-sized paper can’t adequately capture a project’s broad details or bold visual...

Print Audit 6 for Law

Standley Systems understands for many of today’s law firms printing continues to be an unnecessary...

Benefits of an MPS Solution

At Standley Systems, we understand the importance of your bottom line and long-term goals and...

Our New Technology Portals are Open

At Standley Systems, we see the value in our technology and services; however, we know seeing is...

The most efficient printers for businesses

If your printer is more than a few years old, you may notice it doesn’t operate quite like it used...

Ricoh hp-1 xerox Kyocera efi kip-logo2 Zebra papercut print-audio microsfot-redy meraki kofax DocuWare - Logo - Color - CMYK copy
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