Business Technology Blog

On a Quest to Find the Next All-Star

Written by Kali Mogg | Nov 1, 2022 5:28:20 PM

Team Standley has been busy this year traveling the state in search of our next all-star teammates. We took to the road in search of new team members and met so many bright and talented students. Along the way we hit these stops to meet the next generation of innovators: 

  • Oklahoma Christian University
  • Oral Roberts University
  • South Central Oklahoma Workforce
  • Chickasha High School 
  • Oklahoma State University - Stillwater
  • University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond
  • Tuttle High School 






We had a blast meeting students across the state and learning about their goals and visions for the future. Trust us, after hanging out with these students, Oklahoma's next era of business and innovation is in great hands! Get excited Oklahoma, the future is bright!